Last month we went to the village of Zahara de los Atunes, in the province of Cádiz, to participate in and learn all about the so-called “Ronqueo” of Almadraba-fished Tuna.
“Ronqueo” is the traditional cutting of Almadraba-fished red tuna. The word refers to the noise made when the knife touches the backbone of the fish. “Almadraba” comes from Arabic and means place to strike or fight. It is a fishing art used by the Phoenicians and later the Romans along the coasts of Cádiz. It consists of setting a maze of nets along tuna routes from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean from April to June.
We loved the experience and decided to cook and offer from 15 to 30 June special dishes with Almadraba-fished Tuna. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy this tasty delicacy!
Since TV Castilla-La Mancha accompanied us to Zahara, they filmed a report about the trip. Unfortunately it is only available in Spanish, even so we hope you like it!
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